Next Wednesday at noon, my lunch break will seem a little bit lonely.
I’ve spent the past seven weeks using that time to meet (virtually via Zoom) with like-minded genealogists contemplating certification through BCG.
Our group, facilitated by Margaret Fortier, CG, included members at various stages of the process. Some are “on the clock,” some (like me) are gathering as much information as possible before taking the plunge, and some are working on a second or third portfolio.
The Certification Discussion Group, created by Jill Morelli, CG, boasts the tagline: demystifying the genealogy credentialing process.[1] That “demystification” is precisely why I decided to participate. A certification-worthy portfolio will demand a significant investment of time and effort. Before undertaking such a project, it seems prudent to make sure that I fully understand the requirements and my potential to meet them.
Each week focused on a different element of the portfolio, including samples and a few tips and strategies for making wise selections.
Session 1: Introductions, strategies (actually every session), application process
Session 2: Code of Ethics & Development Activities
Session 3: Document Work
Session 4: Research Report
Session 5: Case Study
Session 6: Kinship Determination Project
Session 7: Wrap up, publishing your work product [2]
At the conclusion of the seven sessions, I would say that CDG lived up to its tagline of demystifying the genealogy credentialing process. If you are considering certification, I recommend participating in a group so that you can make an informed decision. If you decide to submit a portfolio, you will be more prepared and confident. Sign up is active now for the spring 2020 session and there will be another group in the fall.

And because no blog post is complete without a photograph, here is Catherine Groenendaal, age 7, looking quite studious and dreaming of the future.
[1] Jill Morelli, CG, Our Portfolio Journey ( accessed 11 March 2020). [2] Jill Morelli, CG, “The CDG Series,” Our Portfolio Journey ( accessed 11 March 2020).