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GenProof Study Group

Writer's picture: Kristin WengerKristin Wenger

Do you want to better understand the fundamental concepts of the GPS (genealogical proof standard) through practical application to both your own work and that of others?

If so, a GenProof Study Group could be a great investment in improving your ability to think through complex problems and communicate your conclusions effectively.

Next week, I will wrap up my final session with my GenProof Study Group. This program had been on hiatus for nearly four years (ceasing just before I dove into the world of genealogical education in the fall of 2017), so this study group was never an option for me until now.

I was honored to be invited into the “beta group” of the relaunch, mentored by Jan Joyce. Our small group has been providing feedback and tweaking assignments so that the program can become even better.

Study groups focus on one chapter per week of Mastering Genealogical Proof by Thomas W. Jones. The amazing mentors for the current sessions received training from Tom himself!

A few of my favorite aspects of this study group include:

  • The study schedule is well-organized and gives you the flexibility to work ahead if necessary.

  • Group discussion includes some instruction from the mentor and the opportunity to practice applying the concepts.

  • Written assignments include a mix of those in the book based on Tom’s two articles AND examples from your personal research. I found that personal application the most valuable.

  • Even within our small group, we represented a variety of research localities and expertise. I learned a lot by reading their work and hearing their insights.

  • The expectations and time commitment are clear.

  • Each assignment includes a list of optional additional resources so that you can address any gaps in your prior knowledge or further explore the concept. The variety of formats provides choices for different learning styles.

The current sessions sold out quickly, but you can sign up to receive information when the next study groups form.


© 2021 by Roots & Wings Research, LLC

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